I opened up my computer and found the capacitors on the video card had burst. The video card was a NVIDIA Geforce 5200 from memory.
My friend told me I need a AGP video card and that they are almost extinct now. Is that true?
Dell told me it would take 5 weeks to get a replacement but I can't wait that long (my warranty has expired anyway).
My computer works fine except for this video card problem, which has caused the dreaded blue screen to appear on my computer.
Not sure if you'll need more details about my computer, but, as I said it's a Dell 8300 with 512MB of RAM.
I know my computer is probably ancient by today's standards but it seems a shame to just buy a new computer when it appears there's only one thing wrong with it.
If anyone could tell me what video card to buy I'd really appreciate it. Thanks|||Getting a agp isn't that bad, some are not bad at all in performance. They will be around for awhile. Your system does use the 8x agp card. The x1950 pro is the best agp card you can get, not bad at all.
The thing is the caps that are blown. Exactly what caused the overvoltage? Will it affect a new card?|||agp is still very common allthough pci express is the newest try this place the ati radeon will do if you want more go for a 256 card