
Video Card problem help please?

Today I got a PCI 8400GS Video card. I did everything the instructions said to do, but when I reset my computer the 2nd time, the login screen wont come up, it just stays black. Also, when I Start>Turn off Computer>Standby, It wont even give me that option anymore. I don't know what to do and it's really irritating me... Spent 100$ on that stupid **** and it wont work. I used the cd that came with it to download the software and everything...Any inputs would help. Thanks|||Sometimes the drivers on the CDs are a bit out of date, try going to the site and getting the new version directly from their(have your monitor plugged into your motherboard, get it from their site, then shut down and restart switching the monitor plug to your new video card). You also might to check if their is a newer BIOs update for your computer as well.

It can also be a power supply problem, what kinds of PSU do you have?

Wrose comes to worse Remove teh hardware and start from scratch and do this.Take the card out and boot normally. Safe Mode won't give you much control. Once in the OS you need to go to Device Manager - right-click on "My Computer" and click on Properties. Depending on the OS you have currently you can go into the Hardware tab or button and find the display adapter icon. Open this and double click on the video card listed. Then update driver or uninstall the video card. Or you can change it to Standard VGA. You may get a message that this driver is not made for this hardware - that's ok. When asked to restart, click no. Load the manufacturers drivers then do a full shutdown. Then install your video card and it should come up when you boot. You may also need to go into the BIOS and disable the onboard video chip first. Hope this helps!

