So I got a video card from Galaxy, Nvidia Geforce, and today I cleaned up my pc because it was making strange sounds because of the dirt and after cleaning it all inside everything started well but the video card cooler won't start and it leads the pc to crash :( and now after a lot of rebooting I get the blue screen of death sometimes too !! what can I do to get the video card cooler roll again ? :(|||while cleaning your pc some parts may have coming loose.
shutdown your pc and remove the power cord. then reseat the ram modules and the graphics card. also check that little cable on the graphics card that connects the fan to the board itself, maybe it is loose or no longer plugged.
check also the power cables from the psu to the drives and the data cables going from the motherboard to the drives. finally check the 2 main power plugs on the motherboard, the big 24pin plug and the 4/8pin plug next to the cpu.
if all this doesn't help i suspect you might have damaged something severely.|||sounds like the cooler has died you gonna need to send in card to get fixed or get a replacement card.