i bough an agp video card 128mb and it saids it needs a 250 watts power supply but mine is 240watts i was wondering if i disconnect something like the old floppy from my pc will it work ?|||Honestly if you are still messing around with AGP and 240W PSUs, I would just upgrade. AGP is old tech and 240 watts is very low by todays standards. I picked up a 550W not too long ago for about 30 bucks online. You can get over 1000W these days for decent price.
But if you want to stick w/ AGP card and the old mobo that is associated with it just upgrade the PSU. You will be cutting it pretty close w/ that PSU. And you should probably just remove the floppy anyway unless you use it frequently. Floppy drives tend to slow down your comp during boot and drive access times.|||remove the floppy and i think it will work
take the risk if u want
but i will suggest that go to a powersupply consumption calculator
and you will know it|||yeah it should work just pull out stuff you dont need like a dail up modem i would leave the floppy hopethis helps|||No. Floppy barely uses any power compared to your graphics card. Besides, its asking for 250 and you're 10 watts under. You'll be using your entire power supply to power your card (even though it probably wouldnt turn on or burn out). You'll need to upgrade your power supply as well.