Hi, I need some help. My 6 month old HP laptop had been freezing up on me lately with alot of colours and lines showing up and then just restarting. It used to show me an error message 'graphics driver has stopped responding and recovered' but its gotten so worst now that once its boots up, it freezes.
Ive updated all drivers, formatted my laptop about 4 times, Re-installed windows about 6 time and its all for nothing. yes im desperate lol but tried every solution i could think of.
DO you think its a video card problem or is there any other problem which will not require changing the video card (or getting a new laptop if i have to spend that much money)
would appreciate your help. thanks|||Sorry to say that you have to change your laptop's motherboard.|||if you're using vista, that's your problem,
at this point i'd bring it to a hardware specialist, it may be something down that alley,
for a easy fix, get a mac book|||your graphics card is pretty much saying that it has had enough and dosent want to live anymore....replacing a laptop graphics card is very difficult and requires a specialist and is most likely in your best opinion to purchase a new laptop