
New video card problems?

hi all just bought a His radeon Ati 256mb ddr dvi tv agp-8x 9550 video card and im having nothing but problems with it.My pc is an acer aspire T135 with on board all in one crap card 80gb hd and 756 ram i have the install disc and loaded a driver off that but dont seem to be able to find any newer ones on the net.Anyway long story short is i try to play a game any game using this new vid card and you play for about a minute then the screen keeps flashing off and on which ive realised each time it does this its lowering all settings [display resolution,hardware exeleration etc]to it gets to a point where the game is unplayable because all the direct draw and 3d is turned off by about the 3rd refresh if you need anymore info please ask and i will edit this post straight away with info if i can thanks in advance|||the 9550 while being a decent card, is considered to be an "older" card. try this, it's for win xp. if this doesn't help, check the minimum requirements on the box the game came in. perhaps the game needs a feature your card can't handle such as shader 2.0

http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/xp/ra…|||by chance did you hook up the power cable for the card? did you hook up monitor to the card? how about removing and reinstalling. do you have more then one AGP slot maybe try another slot.there is a site that i find very helpful it is www.tomshardware.com go to the forums there and look around you may find someone with simular problem.|||Disable the "on board all in one crap card" in the BIOS and the Device Manager FIRST. RTFM (ATI).

