
Help with video card problems?

I play Perfect World International and when i popup the settings menu it says i have 32mb of video ram, i ran everest and directx diag and they both showed i had 64mb of video ram, any idea why it only shows 32 mb in the game settings, by the way i have a mobile intel 945 express chipset family and intel gma 950 3d accelerator

Thanks in advance for any answers|||Intel gma 950 can have Up to 224 MB maximum video memory

But the Laptop Maker may have limited it to 32 MB fixed plus 32 MB allocated from Sytem Memory

Everest and Dxdiag are checking the maximum video memory that you can use.

Check the manual for your laptop to see if you can allocate more graphics memory.Some allow you to increase it in a BIOS setting.Most do not allow it to be increased.



Max out your installed system memory -it may help.

Get the latest drivers

http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/de…|||There are two types of memories dude.

1 is the RAM which is the physical memory the graphic card boasts,

but the other is called hypermemory which is another type of video memory. If these 2 values are added they equal your 64MB of RAM, which means you have 32MB of video ram and 32MB of hypermemory.

