I have a nvdia gtx260 OC video card... I was just using it last night and it's still working properly but when i woke up this morning and open my computer, the display is just black.
My CPU doesn't have a cooling fan, the side is open and I just have an electric fan to cool my CPU. I'm using the built in video card in my motherboard...|||I think you probably are calling your computer a "CPU", as I have heard others do that. The cpu is actually the brain of the whole computer, (the processor), and is located under a heatsink and fan combination.
So, I think you are saying that you do not have a "case" fan, because if you did not have cpu fan, your computuer would crash within seconds, and you could damage the precessor (CPU)
You say you are using the integrated video, so I assume it works. So the problem therefore is the Video Card itself, maybe you need drivers.
As for running with a cooling fan and no cover, that is not "cool" (pun). Your computer needs to b e able to cool thing down inside, and so it needs an air FLOW through the computer, from front to back to allow air to enter and remove the heat.
Having the side off, disrrupts the normal air flow and some things may get over heated, such as Video cards, hard drives that don't get cooling air, and so on.
If you put a fan in the front window of the house, with the front door open, the front might get cooled, but other parts of the house will stay hot. It is better to have a fan at one front door, pulling air out and then opening a door at the rear of the house, and letting air in, and the air flows through the house, cooling it down. Same thing for a computer. You need a fan at the back, at least and then it will pull the air throught the case, which has to be closed up.
Anyway, try re installing your video card driver. If thatr don't work, you might have cooked the card.|||WHY do you not have a fan on your CPU? Unless you're using a P3, and even then you'd want one.
You might have damaged your processor on the computer.
So you turn the computer on and the screen is black, but the computer is running? Any beeps or other signs?|||Your CPU doesnt have a cooling fan? lol WUT?
are you high? Even a few seconds at critical temperature for the CPU, can completely fry your processor. Just put a stock fan on it, they cost like $10 on newegg.com.
Anyway, i assume your vidcard is fried. Its not uncommon for OCed cards to burnout, which is why i dont do it. i didnt pay $300 for a vidcard to have it work for like 4months...
if you have another computer, swap the vidcards and see if it works. if the vidcard works, then its something else...|||It may be a mistypo .The card will have a built in fan or a massive passive heatsink to cool it's Graphics Processing Unit(graphics chip) .Have you gone for a passive Central Processing Unit (the brain chip)heatsink?
It may be an overheated cpu or gpu .Turn it off for half an hour to cool , check the power connectors to the graphics card and reboot ,remembering to connect the monitor cable to the Graphics card.If the Graphics card does not have a passive heatsink then listen to hear the fan if it is not visible.You can also check for dust and fluff in the card , this will overheat it .Get a fan on the CPU(main chip)if this overheats then the system locks up or auto shuts down.
Another reason maybe a popped 'rail' or power supply circuit to the Graphics card .Most Nvidia cards are power hungry beasts that could keep a tank full of iguanas sweating.TIP use a small paintbrush to clean between the cooling fins and vacum all the dust out.