I had a computer built by magic micro, i get the computer put the xp disc in the drive and it starts up i can see the screen and see its running the setup, well when it gets the "ati/????
controllers" it freezes i let it sit for an hour while i go for a ride, come back its still there, (i had a 512 ati graphics card on there) and thats the video port i was using, well i shut the computer down, restarted going to try reinstalling xp, well after i shut it down, i no longer get video from the ati graphics card or when i put the monitor to the onboard card. I looked at the xp disc and see it prolly stalled cuz it had a nice sized scratch in it. But now my question is what is going on and how do i fix this problem to get my computer to use the monitor, and i tried the monitor on another computer and it works. thanks in advance for the help.|||The Best thing to do is to take the ATI card out and use the onboard card to do your xp install if it dont come on to start reset your BIOS (theres A jumper to do this onBoard) that should put it to factory setting you should then see a testscreen come up so u know its working (Test MEM Etc..)
then when installing windows do a quick format will save you time when/if you get it installed then add your card back and use the driver disk you should of got with it and all should be fine.
AS for the scratched disk you can borrow one from a friend and as long as you use your CD-Key All should be ok hope this helps