ok i got a used computer from someone.and i was planning to use the mother board.so i tried to install the video card,but when i looked there was no slot for the video card but inprints that show where it's supposed to be.doe's it make sence to install a socket
for the video card or is it hopeless.
the onboard videocard is a (intel express 3d graphic card)i tried to download the driver for it but when i was installing it is said i needed service pack 3?
the video card i want to install is a nvidia geforce fx series.
Pleas Help thanks.|||No you can't really install a "socket" for a graphic card. Its probably a lower grade motherboard with just onboard graphics. You are stuck with that for now.
SP3? That must be for an old version of windows. Upgrade to XP!|||go get the service pack 3 and then install