
Video card, problems with 3d graphics. tearing and "glitching"?

I have a problem that happens to every other game I play. Most games that are heavy on 3d graphics, things in the games will stretch or tear across the screen.

Here are some pics I took while playing call of duty 4 :




and it gets worse when I play the actual game, not the demo.

I've checked the video acceleration, tested 3d draw and all that stuff. I've heard of boosting the power to my card, but I'm not sure how, I couldnt find it in the bios.

And I dont know how to check if its over heating, although I'm sure its not.

I would REALLY appreciate any help.|||Make sure your video drivers are up to date - check on the video card manufacturer's website.|||Your video card is artifacting, which usually means one of 2 things. Either its overheating, or its about to die...i'll take your word when you say it's not overheating...so it must just be on it's way out...it's an old card anyway...they don't last forever.

