
Video Card Problems!!!?

I have a big problem in terms of my video card...

I have a hard time to find a compatible video card that fits in my motherboard.

I am using a Neo Q-note M72s.

Are there any sites that would scan my system except crucial.com.

Because i already try it...

Please help me.

Please list down the best and latest video card that may fit in to my motherboard!

And please list down all sites you know that can scan my system...

Thank You!!!|||I'm sorry..... laptop or desktop?

if it's a pc and within a few years old, you may be able to use a pci or pci Express

(pci and pci express are very different card types - one won't work in the other)

an easy way to find out what your computer will take is to open the case and look at what's on the motherboard

for a reference, try:


if it's a laptop, then it's likely that you cannot upgrade it (especially if it's a few years old)

laptop graphics cards are specially made to fit into the confined space (that is, if it's not built into the motherboard)

for the graphics card itself, any new card should be more than adequate

