
AGP Video card problem.?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

AGP slots are colored brown right?

I have two pcs, one which has a ddr ram slot and the other one has an sdram slot (both have the same agp slots.)

I transfered a video card which was working on the sdram mobo to the ddrram mobo.

Here's what I experienced, It booted for a second, but it always hang.

I tried everything, using linux bootup cds, on off, or whatever.

So what is the possible cause of the hanging? Is it because of the bios setting? The mobo? the video card? or some voltage ****?

Thanks in advance!|||Well, I am no expert but when I upgraded my AGP card, I noticed that the BIOS wasn't set correctly (off by default) so that is one setting you should change if not already done so. Also, the drivers will be different for each card and this is the most likely cause. Note, I have downloaded the latest drivers before now (Nvidia) and the whole thing went hay wire so try it then roll them back if not fixed. This will save you having to install two versions of drivers since Windows remembers all installations. Good luck :)|||When you say "it booted", do you mean the computer? Or the operating system? At what point did it hang?

When you used a Linux bootup CD, what happened exactly?

There are a lot of possibilities:

1) If the video card requires an additional power connector, maybe you forgot to connect it.

2) The power supply may not be able to provide enough power for the video card.

3) You may have left the onboard video enabled, so the system appears to freeze when it switches video devices as the operating system boots. (If by 'freeze' you mean the display blanks.)

It's hard to tell though, you don't describe the problem in much detail.

Update: If the screen turns black, that probably means the system just switched to another video device. If you left the onboard video enabled, then the operating system and the BIOS may disagree over which video device is primary, so when the OS takes over, the display moves to the other device.

