
EMachine T6534 Video Card Problem?

My son's eMachine video stopped working one day. I discovered that his onboard video is just fine, but when his GeForce 7800 GT OC is plugged back in, we get a black screen, no post, and the computer does not appear to boot up...and we get two quick beeps (AMI BIOS v02.59).

I pulled the card, and tried it in my main computer, and it worked fine. I then tried my GeForce card in his (GeForce 8600 GT) computer, and had the same issue.

I also replace his RAM with mine...same issue.

He has a 450 Watt PSU, and the power connector from the card to the PSU...card only requires 300 Watts, so should be power to spare...no other cards are plugged in. My computer only has a 400 Watt PSU, and it was fine there.

If it matters, he also has 2 gig of DDR 2 RAM.

Any ideas? I'm stumped here... :(|||Well, the first problem is that it's an eMachine. They are VERY crappy computers, both in terms of performance and reliability. The simple fact that you put a gaming graphics card in there is kind of absurd because it's highly likely the CPU in that computer is trashy at best. The best video card in the world wouldn't make up for a crappy CPU.

Anyway, there's a high probability it's motherboard is just malfunctioning. eMachines are notorious for that.

